Plan next steps
For Data Owners
Congratulations for completing your first large data onboarding project on Filecoin! 🥳
Assess the success of your Filecoin data onboarding Proof-of-Concept (POC). Determine which additional datasets are suitable candidates for follow-on data onboarding projects.
Consider becoming a Filecoin Case Study.
For Storage Gateway operators and Lead SPs
Successful data onboarding projects gives the Lead SP / Storage Gateway operator experience, competence, credibility, and reputation to onboard additional client datasets to Filecoin.
Consider setting up a repeatable data onboarding service, and consider commercial models for such a service.
Deal Renewal
Storage deals are currently limited to 540 days. Deals that are less than 540 days duration can simply be extended, with sector extension. More typically, verified storage deals can be expected to use the maximum 540-day duration, beyond this expiry, deal renewal requires proposing new deals and re-sealing sectors.
The current process to renew deals is to simply re-apply for DataCap for new deals, and for Storage providers to re-seal the data.
Storage deal renewals is an evolving space. Some related work in-progress include:
Extending maximum storage deal duration up to 5 years.
Filecoin Virtual Machine, enabling smart contracts, which can potentially be used to implement data storage renewal and Data DAOs.
Last updated
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